Kathryn Gresens Executive Director |
kgresens@gpymca.org |
Emily Barry Senior Youth Development Director |
ebarry@gpymca.org |
Tom Deacon Membership Director |
tdeacon@gpymca.org |
Susanne Tucker Aquatics Director |
stucker@gpymca.org |
Pat Cicione Business Manager |
pcicione@gpymca.org |
Chelsea Savage Senior Health & Wellness Director |
csavage@gpymca.org |
Rosemary Gallogly | Linda McArthur |
Youth swim lessons include three levels: Swim Starts, Swim Basic, and Swim Stroke.
The YMCA empowers all to live well, offering a variety of programs that support healthy lifestyles
Get results and take your fitness regimen to the next level with our personal training programs.