Board of Directors



Dan DaPonte Chair
Steve DellaPosta Chair Emeritus
Dave Burnett Vice Chair
Carmen Sharp Secretary
Andrew deLabry Treasurer
Pam Hanson Carbone Member at large
Hon. William Smith Member at large
Hon. Gregg Amore  
Jeffrey Barton  
Richard Blockson  
Paul Boghosian  
Kevin Casey  
Angelyne Cooper, Esq.  
Melanie Coon  
Donna D’Aloia  
William Devereaux, Esq.  
Domenic Fusco, Jr.  
Kevin Gallagher  
Cheryl Galloway  
Adam Macksoud  
Dan McGowan  
Patrick McQuade  
Mike Montecalvo  
Scott Pray  
G. Dean Roye, MD  
Joseph “Jay” Sabitoni  
Tony Weisman  
Allen Williams  
David Williams, PhD  

A message from our CEO:

Everyone who’s spent any time living in Rhode Island can agree that its small state factor is huge. The global reach of the YMCA – specifically its Greater Providence branches – in Rhode Island is no exception to that idiom. It’s hard to meet someone in our communities who hasn’t at one point or another been impacted by the YMCA. 
Since joining the Greater Providence YMCA as Chief Executive Officer in March, I have had the opportunity to meet many incredible individuals who make up our Y community. Our amazing executive directors and branch staff, community partners, camp counselors, swim instructors, committed donors, and you – our dedicated members – have made the Greater Providence YMCA one of the region’s most impactful and essential community pillars for thousands of Rhode Islanders. 
As we look to the future, I am ready to double down on making it clear that the Y is an organization for everyone. From wellness programs, to dance classes, swim lessons, and summer camp as well as offering programming specific to supporting the needs of seniors and working families, your Y will be here to meet the needs of our Association community.
I am especially optimistic about the future of the organization after recognizing the 2024 Y Heroes earlier this week. This year’s honorees were an exceptional slate that embodied our organizational mission and vision of wellness, community, and social responsibility. Much like our Heroes, I wholeheartedly believe that everyone deserves access to programs prioritizing health and wellness at every level. 
Later this month, our executive team will begin conducting town halls with membership at each branch. We want to prioritize your voice in all that we do. The Y is here to be what each community needs it to be and that starts with a collaborative relationship with our members. 
I look forward to meeting and hearing from you! 
Karen A. Santilli
Chief Executive Officer 
Greater Providence YMCA