Become a Y Monthly Contributor by adding an additional amount to your monthly membership.
To make a gift of stocks, appreciated securities, or to leave the Y in your will, contact the YMCA of Greater Providence at 401-427-1880.
Looking for a philanthropic partner? Look no further. The YMCA of Greater Providence has many opportunities for your company and employees to engage in meaningful volunteer projects while giving back to your community.
Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Accepted: Checks, Credit, and Online Donations.
YMCA of Greater Providence
33 Broad Street Suite 303
Providence RI 02903
*Branches of the YMCA of Greater Providence include: Bayside Family, Camp Fuller, Cranston, East Side/Mt. Hope, Kent County, Newman, Providence Youth Services, and South County. If you are not sure which branch has the greatest need, select Association-wide Financial Assistance Fund and we’ll apply your gift where it is needed most.